
Analytics, Data

Unlocking Trust: The Power of Zero-Party Data in Modern Marketing

In today’s digital landscape, where consumer privacy concerns are at an all-time high, brands are rethinking their data collection strategies. Enter zero-party data—a game-changing approach that prioritizes transparency and trust by relying on information customers willingly share about themselves. This proactive data collection method enhances personalisation and fosters deeper connections between brands and their customers. […]

Analytics, Digital Marketing

Understanding the Cookiepocalypse: Implications for Marketing in a Cookieless World

As the digital marketing landscape continues to evolve, the term “Cookiepocalypse” has emerged to describe the significant shift resulting from the planned removal of third-party cookies by major browsers, particularly Google Chrome. This transition is not just a technical change; it represents a fundamental rethinking of how marketers collect and utilize data in an increasingly

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